Here we'll share with you the gear we love, the things that contribute to the sound of The Fargo Railroad Co. and where you can find them. We don't have any endorsement deals, these are just a few of our favourite things and we thought you might like to know.
Replay Acoustics
If you, like us, believe Jo's Gibson Acoustic to be a thing of rare beauty, and, wonder where she came from, you need to check out our good friend Tony's website at Replay Acoustics. Every guitar has a story and every guitar is unique.
Shuker Bass Guitars
Andy never leaves home without at least one of his custom Shuker basses.
Barefaced Cabs
A revolution has occurred, Andy has full-on switched from the heretofore ever present Orange Cabs to a slinky, sexy Barefaced 610!
Newtone Strings
These are beautiful strings, they feel so good, give your beloved guitar a spa date and finish it with a set of Newtone Strings, Andy does and his guitars love it!